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February 13, 2024

Date Posted

I just wanted to start off by saying that as of today, it is one year since I left the Department of Human Services to become the Fremont County Administrator. I loved my work at DHS and the staff there have a very difficult job, but their professionalism and dedication to this very important work is just unbelievable. What I have discovered this past year is the same is true about all the departments and elected official’s offices for Fremont County. I am so appreciative to our County Commissioners for providing me this opportunity to work with our elected officials, department heads and our dedicated employees to help serve this great county we are blessed to live in. I could not be more proud or more appreciative of the opportunity I get every day to observe first-hand, the remarkable talents and skills that our 370 employees and elected officials bring to the office every day, to ensure the important work of the county is being accomplished. This is my 39th year of working in a professional public service capacity and I can’t think of any place that I have been employed where I have appreciated the competent work, dedication and pride in a job well done that this group of public servants brings to our community.  Fremont County residents should feel confident that while no one is perfect, the employees work their hardest to provide great customer service and conduct themselves with integrity and great character.

Fremont County has the following job opportunities posted:

  • Fremont County Sheriff’s Department-
  •  ongoing posting for Detention Deputies

For more Information about employment opportunities with Fremont County, please go to our county website at or you can call our HR department at 719.276.7409.


Website Changeover

  • The Fremont County website, previously available at, will now be available at
  • The .gov domain designates us as an official, credible government entity.
  • The .gov domain registrar offers additional security, on top of the security we already have.
  • Fremont County will maintain control of the domain.
  • County emails are not changing at this time.
  • The URLs of any third party hosted services – like the Sheriff’s Office page and the public record searches – will not be changing. Those links are still available on the County website, just like before.
  • The content of the website has not changed. All data previously accessible is still accessible.
  • There is a banner on the website indicating the change. This banner will go away at the end of this week.
  • Visiting will automatically redirect users to
  • The redirect will be staying in place even after the banner is removed. This redirect will be available as-is for at least three months.
  • This means that old bookmarks will still work, but if you have a bookmark saved to a particular page on the county website, you should update it. Updating bookmarks is the only action any Fremont County citizen should need to take because of this change.
  • Search engines like Google and Bing have already been updated with the change. Some other websites that link to ours, however, may still show the old website. If you visit one of these links, the redirect will take you to the right place.