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June 25, 2024

Date Posted

Fremont County has the following job opportunities posted:



  • Maintenance Worker Temporary 6 months closes June 13th. 

Sheriff Office

  • Ongoing posting for Detention Deputy closes July 1st.

Department of Human Services 

  • Caseworker I, II,III – Intake ~ closes June 27th 

Department of Public Health

  • Prevention Programs Coordinator-Closes July 8th

Department of Transportation

  • Operator, I, II, III- Closes July 18th

For more Information about employment opportunities with Fremont County, please go to our county website at or you can call our HR department at 719.276.7409.


Grandview Bridge Project

Pile driving for the bridge (west abutment, east abutment, and center pier) is complete. 

Forming, reinforcing, pouring, and curing of concrete is the focus of construction for the next three weeks. After concrete forms and reinforcing steel are installed, concrete trucks will be frequently in and out of the construction zone.

Concrete bridge elements to be constructed are: 

West Abutment Cap and Wingwalls, 

Center Pier Spread Footing, 

Center Pier Wall, 

East Abutment Cap and Wingwalls



RFP for Private Security

Just a reminder that the Fremont County (Colorado) Board of County Commissioners are still accepting sealed proposals to provide comprehensive security services for the Fremont County Administration building, Garden Park building, and the Department of Human Services building. The selected firm will be responsible for ensuring the safety and security of county employees, visitors, and property at all times. 


Copies of the Request for Proposals and related documents for the services solicited are available through the Fremont County Bid Request Portal in the “Other Resources” tab of the Fremont County, Colorado home page at


Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 PM local time on July 2nd, 2024

All questions regarding this request for proposal should be directed to Tony Carochi, Fremont County Administrator, email: or phone 719-276-7351. All interested firms are invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in this Request for Proposals.