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Airport Paving Award Presented to Commissioners

Airport Paving Award Presented to Commissioners

Tom Peterson, Executive Director of the Colorado Asphalt Paving Association speaks last Tuesday to the Board of Commissioners regarding the "Best of Colorado" Airport paving award received by Fremont County last month. Peterson is flanked on the left by Airport Manager Richard Baker (front) and Airport Advisory Chairman John Marietta (rear). Pictured right is Rocky Mountain Materials Vice President rob Mangone of Penrose.

The executive director of the Colorado Asphalt Pavement Association was on hand at the March 24th Board of Commissioners meeting to present the award which the county earned in February at the group’s Denver banquet.   Tom Peterson said he wanted to personally deliver the award to the Board of Commissioners for the “Best in Colorado” asphalt paving award given in the airport category for 2014.

Airport Manager Richard Baker, Airport Advisory Committee Chairman John Marietta, and Rocky Mountain Materials Vice President Rob Mangone were also on hand for the award presentation.   Peterson said the county can be proud of the work performed by Rocky Mountain for completion of the new 4,800 foot parallel taxiway at the Fremont County Airport.   The $1.8 million project got started in late 2013 and was financed with a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration.   The cost to Fremont County was $45,000.   Peterson noted the project took 5,000 tons of asphalt to complete.

The Board of Commissioners presented their 2014 Accountability Report which was produced by District 2 Commissioner Debbie Bell in a power point format.  Citizens can review the comprehensive report on-line by visiting the Commissioners’ page on the Fremont County web site and then clicking “Accountability Report” on the menu.   It is the second year that the Commissioners produced a power point accountability summary of activities.

The Board of Commissioners awarded a series of bids related to asphalt, chip seal, and dust suppressant work that county road crews will begin work on this spring.   Other than the Phase 2 paving project utilizing grant dollars south of Florence this summer, the county will be doing only 1.67 miles of new asphalt paving this summer.    Chip and seal projects will cover 7.9 miles of county roadway.

The Board of Commissioners approved without comment an extension of two conditions listed for Christo’s Over the River art project on the Arkansas River west of Cañon City.   Time was extended on the permit itself to the exhibition period now estimated in August of 2018-2020 and an extension was allowed on a reimbursement agreement with the City of Cañon City for security measures during the exhibition.

In other business the Board of Commissioners:

  • Approved the scheduling of an open house in the newly renovated Garden Park Building at 201 North 6th Street from 2 until 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7th;
  • Approved a special events liquor license for the Cañon City Rodeo Association for the Blossom Festival Rodeo on May 1st and 2nd;
  • Approved a bid of $93,960 from DTI Trucking to pay for replacement of a county dump truck which was totaled in an accident.   The county collected about $85,000 in insurance proceeds to help pay for the new truck;
  • Adopted a proclamation declaring the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month;
  • Adopted a proclamation declaring September 19th through October 12th as Fremont County’s Fall Heritage Festival;
  • Adopted a proclamation declaring April 6th through the 12th as National Public Health Week.