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Commissioners Release 2013 Accountability Report

Commissioners Release 2013 Accountability Report

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For the first time in recent memory the Fremont County Board of Commissioners has published an annual accountability report.   Although the idea was contemplated several times in the past, the Board of Commissioners decided in January to set some deadlines and pursue the idea.   District 2 Commissioner Debbie Bell coordinated the project which assembled reports from the various county departments and offices of elected officials.

Commissioner Bell said she realized soon after taking office in 2011 that an accountability report had never been assembled to let citizens know what is being done with their tax money.   Bell took the departmental reports and assembled them into a power point presentation which citizens can view at their convenience on the county’s web site.   Bell introduced the power point report at the March 25th regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners.

The three commissioners used the power point to report on the “State of the County” at the annual Senior Citizens Mini College last week at the Fremont Campus of Pueblo Community College.   Citizens can find the link to the accountability report power point on the front page of the county’s web site at

The March 25th meeting also saw the commissioners approve an application to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs for an Energy and Mineral Impact grant that would be the key funding source for creating the Combined Regional Communications Authority.   Cañon City District Fire Chief Dave Delvecchio wrote the grant application on behalf of the Fire District, Fremont County, the E 9-1-1 Authority, and the Cities of Florence and Cañon City.   Because the new dispatch center would serve the entire county, the Fremont County Board of Commissioners submitted the formal application.   The application details a budget of $1.47 million to renovate space for a dispatch area; purchase radio consoles, a backup power generator, computer software and hardware, and furniture; and pay the cost of installation and training.   The application seeks an Energy and Mineral Impact grant totaling $730,000.

In other routine business at the March 25th commissioners’ meeting the Board:

  • Approved an amended Fremont County Noxious Weed Management Plan.   An update is required every three years by Colorado law;
  • Approved the amended bylaws of the Fremont County Weed Advisory Board;
  • Adopted a proclamation declaring April to be Child Abuse Prevention Month in Fremont County;
  • Approved an amendment to Fremont County's subdivision regulations dealing with a section on vacation of public rights-of-way.