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Fremont County Fire Ban Imposed with Stage 2 Restrictions

Fremont County Fire Ban Imposed with Stage 2 Restrictions

On the heels of another devastating wildfire in Fremont County the Fremont County Board of Commissioners today adopted an emergency resolution immediately imposing a fire ban acknowledging the consistent Red Flag fire danger conditions across the county.

Fremont County Sheriff Jim Beicker said a fire ban may not have prevented the Parkdale Canyon wildfire burning near the Royal Gorge west of Canon City, but the fire emphasizes the extreme fire danger conditions and the need for citizens to take extra precautions.

The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the emergency resolution as Sheriff Beicker said he had decided to immediately advance the precautions to the Stage 2 fire restrictions. Two areas where the Stage 2 fire ban imposes tougher restrictions are bans on outdoor smoking and use of charcoal grills.

The complete list of Stage 2 fire ban restrictions prohibit:
  1. Open fires or campfires;
  2. Outdoor smoking except within an enclosed vehicle or building, at a developed recreation site, or within a designated smoking area with an approved container for discarding cigarette butts;
  3. Use and/or discharge of any fireworks or pyrotechnic device;
  4. Use of explosives;
  5. Welding and grinding except when done with proper distance from combustibles and with proper fire protection and suppression equipment;
  6. Use of any internal or external combustion engine, including a chainsaw and/or other equipment without an approved spark arrestor;
  7. Cross-country use of a motor vehicle off of a governmental designated route on public property;
  8. Parking off-road on public property is allowed only when parked in an area devoid of vegetation for a distance of 10 feet of the roadway or when parked overnight in a developed campground or at a trailhead that is devoid of vegetation;
  9. All agricultural burning including but not limited to weeds, brush, and grass;
  10. Use of rock ring burn pits;
  11. Recreational below ground cooking;
  12. Use of charcoal grills.