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Hamilton Honored as Employee of the Year

Hamilton Honored as Employee of the Year

John Hamilton is pictured with (l to r) 1st row: Steve Larsen, Blake Webb, Gary Weirton; 2nd row: Jimmy Zeleznikar, Paul Garrett, Sterling Rife; 3rd row: Curtis Stone, Anthony Adamic

John Hamilton, a ten year employee in the Fremont County Department of Transportation, was honored today by the Board of County Commissioners as the 2010 Employee of the Year.   Chairman Ed Norden noted that Hamilton’s selection was decided upon by all of the Fremont County elected officials.

Hamilton works at the Cañon City shop handling maintenance and repairs of county vehicles and heavy equipment.     In a letter of nomination, Gary Weirton said Hamilton has a unique ability in trouble shooting problems and in fabrication work that is done in the shop to save dollars.    Weirton went on to say “John always comes to work with a smile and positive attitude, creating a great working environment”.

In addition to a framed certificate noting his selection, Hamilton also received a $300 check as part of the annual Employee of the Year honor.