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Planning Commission Conducting Master Plan Survey

Planning Commission Conducting Master Plan Survey

The Fremont County Planning Commission invites you to take a few minutes and help them plan for Fremont County’s future. The Planning Commission is currently in review of the County Master Plan Document, with the intention of an update to the document. The Commission has put together a checkbox survey that focuses on quality of life, neighborhood compatibility and visionary land use issues they feel could impact Fremont County over the next twenty years. The Commission wants the citizen’s input on these issues, so if you have the time for Fremont County’s future, please participate.

Citizens can go online at or return to this web site's home page and click on Master Plan Survey to fill out a survey form.   For citizens without internet access, hardcopies of the survey will be available at your local post office, public library or the Department of Planning and Zoning in Room 210 of the Fremont County Administration Building at 615 Macon Avenue, Cañon City, Colorado. The survey must be completed online or completed forms delivered to the Department of Planning and Zoning by September 10, 2012. Please only one survey per person.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Department by e-mail at or by telephone at 719-276-7360.