Fremont County has the following job opportunities posted:
- Engineer-1
Project Engineer-Open until December 31st
Department of Human Services -4
Core Case Worker I, II, III-CORE Closes December 31st
Ongoing Case Worker I, II, III-Closes December 31st
Assessor’s Office-1
Appraiser-Closes November 18th
Facilities Department
Custodian- Closes November 25th
Facilities Director- Closes November 18th
For more information about employment opportunities with Fremont County, please visit our county website at or call our HR department at 719.276.7409.
Grandview Bridge Project Update
- The contractor has requested and been approved a contract end date extension to 11/22 due to factors beyond their control including high creek water during pier construction, unexpected obstacles encountered during excavation and installing increased fence quantities requested by a neighboring landowner.
- The remaining work includes roadway subgrade preparation, installation of a waterproof membrane over the bridge deck (temperature dependent), roadway asphalt paving, painting of exterior girders, abutments, and pier, installation of delineators, guardrail, and striping (temperature dependent), and installation of fencing and gates.
Public Health (PICTURE)
Colorado’s Mobile Public Health Clinic will be in Cotopaxi on Friday November 22, 2024 from 10am – 4 pm at the Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools. They will have Vaccines for children and adults-COVID, Flu, Mpox, Hep A, Hep B, HPV, DTap/TDAp, Polio, Shingles, etc. Please Pre- Register
Department of Human Service
MyCOBenefits SNAP EBT Mobile App
The Fremont County Department of Human Services would like to bring awareness to our citizens regarding the MyCOBenefits SNAP EBT mobile phone app. This app can be found on the Google Play store for Android and the app store for iPhones. This app, called ebtEDGE, can help protect your benefits, and can be used to:
- Freeze your card when not in use
- Change your PIN
- Block out of state purchases
- Block online/internet purchases
- Check your balance and transaction history
Information can be found on the Fremont County Department of Human Services Facebook page, Fremont County website ( or a copy can be picked up at the Department during business hours. Additionally, EBT questions can be answered by calling the Department at 719-275-2318 as well as more information regarding EBT fraud can be found at