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Health Promotion and Prevention Programs

Health Promotion and Prevention Programs

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Tobacco Education, Prevention and Cessation

Tobacco is still a problem. More than 480,000 people die each year from tobacco. Tobacco remains the leading preventable cause of death in this country and in the world. Tobacco use is a major factor in four out of the five leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung disease and stroke. It causes about a third of heart disease and cancer, and most emphysema.-CDC  Click to learn more about tobacco’s toll on America. Steps are being taken to fight back against the dangers of tobacco in Fremont County.

At the Fremont County Department of Public Health & Environment, the Tobacco Education, Prevention and Cessation program is funded by Amendment 35 grants. FCDPHE is dedicated to:

  • Serving as a community partner in tobacco cessation, prevention and education for all ages and populations served in Fremont County.
  • Utilizing evidence-based programs and practices to assist those who wish to quit using tobacco products
  • Preventing youth from initiating use of tobacco, vape, ECIG, or other nicotine containing products
  • Provide education and resources to policy makers, employers, early childhood educators and health care providers in the community
  • Protecting the overall health of the community burdened by tobacco use.

Tobacco use is not a habit. It is an addiction. Nicotine is what keeps people addicted. It is in all tobacco products. It makes quitting hard. The average person tries to quit about seven times before they succeed! Quitting can be difficult, but not impossible.

For Adults

  • Colorado QuitLine – Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or sign-up online. Get one-on-one support from an expert quit coach. There is a chance to get free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), such as patches or gum.
  • SmokeFree – This website is loaded with information from how to quit, navigating challenges many face when quitting, how to stay smoke free, and helping others quit. With tools from online coaching, text message programs for 24/7 support, and mobile applications, consider using this resource to help make the next quit attempt your last!

For Teens and Young Adults

  • Colorado Youth QuitLine – Available to anyone over the age of 12. Completely free, enrolling online can be done in five minutes. With a text message program to help deal with cravings, chat function to talk to a coach online, and complete confidentiality, this resource is fantastic to help all teens in quitting tobacco or vaping.
  • SmokeFree Teen – this resource is teen focused and expands services to include DipfreeTXT, how to quit vaping, and incorporates social media, like Instagram, to help support teens.
  • This Is Quitting – By texting DITCHJUUL to 88709, or visiting teens and young adults will receive tailored messages and appropriate recommendations about quitting. Parents and other trusted adults can text QUIT to (202) 899-7550 to receive tips on how to support teens and young adults in quitting.
  • Tobacco Free Kids – The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is the leading advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world. Through strategic communications and policy advocacy campaigns, they promote the adoption of proven solutions that are most effective at reducing tobacco and saving the most lives.

For Moms/Expecting Moms

  • Baby and Me Tobacco Free – Are you an expecting mom, new mom, or family member? Do you use tobacco? Earn free diapers for quitting! Click here to sign up for the program.
  • SmokeFree Women – Aside from getting involved with Baby and Me, Tobacco Free, this is an additional support to help moms and women for the start of a stronger, healthier, and more confident you.
  • Colorado QuitLine – Offers a program specifically for pregnant women, allowing you to have the same quit coach for each of your coaching calls. They also offer a financial incentive to pregnant women for completing coaching calls.

For Seniors

  • SmokeFree 60+ – It’s never too late to quit. There are numerous benefits of quitting at all ages. Seniors can learn how to quit, living a healthier life to support their quit, and find best ways to gain immediate support to ease stresses of quitting.

For Veterans

  • SmokeFree Vet – You’ve served our country, now it’s time for the country to serve you. By accessing this resource, veterans have access to online coaching, and text coaching by texting VET to 47848, as well as countless articles and tools that are specific to veteran experiences and how to claim victory in tobacco free lives!


  • LGBTQ+ People Encounter Barriers to Quitting Successfully - CDC highlights the LGBTQ+ community.
  • LGBTQ+ Coloradans Are Healthier Together - The LGBTQ+ community in Colorado is stronger and healthier together. Let’s help each other leave tobacco behind.
  • National LGBT Cancer Network - The National LGBT Cancer Network’s Tobacco-Related Cancer Project is one of eight CDC-funded national networks working to reduce tobacco and cancer-related disparities in populations.
  • LGBTQ+ QuitLine - Our Quitline Coaches receive special training and supervision for helping LGBTQ+ people quit and stay quit. Nearly all LGBTQ+ callers report that our Coaches are kind, respectful, and compassionate people with whom they feel  comfortable discussing all aspects of their lives, including sexual orientation or gender concerns. Call 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) to get started.

Vaping and Smokeless Tobacco Users

While more is being learned about vaping each day, it can be agreed, vaping is not healthy for teens or children. The following links can be used for teens, young adults, and adults to learn more about the products and why it is important to never start vaping.

Already vaping? Visit our visit one of the many links under the “how to Quit” section of this page to find the best way to fight back against nicotine addiction.

Visit the links below for more information.

Tobacco Free Colorado

Truth Initiative – Truth Initiative is America’s largest nonprofit public health organization committed
to making tobacco use and nicotine addiction a thing of the past.

Protecting Children, Pets, Friends, and You!

Where you smoke matters. Smoke fills the air. It also lingers, binding to carpet, furniture, blankets, and even toys. Learn how to stop secondhand and thirdhand smoke in their tracks. Click on the links below for more information.

  • Secondhand-Smoke - Comprehensive smoke-free laws prohibit smoking in all workplaces and public places, including restaurants and bars. Comprehensive smoke-free laws and policies fully protect people from secondhand smoke exposure.
  • Thirdhand-Smoke

For more information or any questions with regard to cessation, please contact our Tobacco Cessation Specialist at (719) 276-7450

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Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant

This grant focuses on preventing and reducing alcohol, marijuana, prescription, and other drug use for those under 18. We work with local organizations like the schools and Boys and Girls Club to reduce both substances use and to address favorable parental attitudes towards substance use and get away from the idea that bad choices are more than just "kids being kids." We strive to change community policies and norms regarding alcohol, marijuana, prescription, and other drug use.

Addressing population-based needs regarding alcohol, marijuana, prescription drugs, and other drug use.

Addiction treatment resources and centers in the Canon City area:

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Community-Based Impaired Driving Prevention Program

The Community-Based Impaired Driving Prevention Grant Program was created by the Persistent Drunk Driver Act of 1998 and is funded through the Persistent Drunk Driving (PDD) Cash Fund. This fund consists of surcharges imposed on convicted DWAI/DUI offenders. The overall purpose of the PDD Fund is to support programs intended to educate the public on the hazards of impaired driving with the goal of changing norms and attitudes around impaired driving and/or excessive use. This program is managed by the Community Prevention Programs team at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

This project serves to increase community health by decreasing injuries and fatalities caused by impaired driving through a shared risk and protective factor approach. By focusing on bolstering shared protective factors while mitigating shared risk factors, funded entities will work towards changing norms around impaired driving and/or excessive alcohol and cannabis consumption in their communities. Funded entities will also approach work through a health equity lens to address health disparities around impaired driving and excessive use in their communities.

CDC Impaired Driving

CDC Impaired Driving Get the Facts

CDC What You Need to Know about Substance Use and Driving:

Colorado State Patrol How to Report a DUI/DUID Driver:

Alcohol Outlet Density-Measuring, interpreting, and visualizing alcohol outlet density in Colorado:

Colorado Department of Transportation-Impaired Driving:

You Tube Impaired Driving Video Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over

Colorado Impaired Driving Prevention Toolkit Environmental Scan

2023 Colorado Impaired Driving Prevention Toolkit PDF

2023 Kit de Herramientas de Prevencion de la Conduccion Con las Facultades

If you want to know more information or want to be involved with any of these programs, please contact FCDPHE Program Coordinator at719-276-7462.

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