County Commissioners Tim Payne, Ed Norden, and Debbie Bell present FCDOT Office Manager Annette Ortega with her Employee of the Year citation on December 13th and a $300 check that accompanied the honor (Photo Courtesy of CC Daily Record)
The Office Manager for the Fremont County Transportation Department has been honored as the county’s Employee of the Year. That honor went to Annette Ortega who was nominated by a co-worker and then selected by the county’s elected officials.
Ortega is a ten year employee of Fremont County having first started working in the Planning and Zoning Department. From there Ortega moved to the County Finance Office. She has been Office Manager at the Road and Bridge Department for nearly seven years.
In presenting the award the Board of Commissioners particularly noted that Ortega was instrumental in documenting and pursuing reimbursement of over $250,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for damages caused during the summer flooding in 2015. Much of that flood damage occurred in Phantom Canyon which was closed for several months.
County Commission Chairman Ed Norden also noted that Ortega is on the front line handling phone calls and complaints regarding road conditions and that she does so very graciously.
Ortega said she enjoys her job and noted "When everyone works as a team and do what we're supposed to do, that's important, you care about what you're doing, and at the end of the day, you can look back and see what you've accomplished."