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December 11th Commissioners Meeting

December 11th Commissioners Meeting

A public hearing on a proposed new fire district in western Fremont County, introduction of the 2007 Employee of the Year, and adoption of the county's 2008 budget highlighted business during a two-hour regular meeting of the Fremont County Commissioners.

The Commissioners approved a 2008 budget totaling $27,271,000 for all funds. That breaks down to a General Fund budget of $10.7 million, $7.27 million for Human Services, a Sheriff's budget of $5.17 million, and a Road and Bridge budget of $3.03 million. The 2008 budget carries a total property tax mill levy of 12.482 mills. That includes the 12.294 mill levy maximum set by the Tabor amendment in 1992 and allowed by voters with the approval of Issue 1-B in November. The additional .188 mills is permitted under Tabor to recover dollars spent over the past year in property tax abatements or refunds.

County Finance Director Dana Angel noted that due to an increase in the county's assessed property values the allowable revenue growth rate under Tabor in 2008 will be 2.97 percent. That compares to a growth rate of 1.31 percent that was estimated last August based on early valuation figures. When combined with a 2.8 percent inflation increase in the consumer price index it means Fremont County's 2008 revenue will be allowed to grow by 5.77 percent.

The Commissioners conducted a public hearing on the service plan for the newly proposed Western Fremont Fire Protection District (WFFPD). Residents of Coaldale want to split off from the Deer Mountain Fire District and form their own fire district. The plan proposes that all current fire equipment housed at the Coaldale Fire Station would be transferred to the new fire district. The new district would also maintain the same levy of 3.992 mills as Deer Mountain with the tax proceeds inside the new boundaries being transferred to WFFPD.

Commission Chairman Ed Norden said the board received more than twenty letters in support of the split and no letters in opposition. Norden said he appreciated the vision of the Coaldale residents by suggesting the possibility of emergency medical rescue services in the future and the choice of Western Fremont for a name allowing for expansion of boundaries beyond Coaldale if area residents desire that in the future as well.

The Commissioners asked that a resolution be drafted in support of the new fire district for consideration at their December 21st meeting. The next step for the Coaldale organizers would be to seek permission through the District Court for an election in May. An election would seek approval from Coaldale residents to form the WFFPD, set a mill levy, and elect a new board of directors.

The Commissioners honored county payroll clerk Cyndy Angel as the 2007 County Employee of the Year. Cyndy has worked with the county for 16 years. The nomination letter from a fellow employee noted that "Her character was a valuable asset to keep things running smoothly this year". Angel was presented with a certificate and a $300 bonus for the honor.

The Commissioners reappointed Mike Bandera of the Royal Gorge Bridge Company to the Fremont County Tourism Council and newly appointed Florence businessman Morrie Aves. Aves replaces Mike Merlino who did not seek reappointment after serving three years on the council. The Commissioners also thanked Ron Hinkle of Florence and Pete Mugasis of Penrose for applying for the vacancies and urged both to stay active with the Tourism Council as ex-officio members for their respective communities.

The Commissioners approved a site development plan for Jeff and Lissa Pinello for the Biker Town development located on the west side of Highway 115 between 6th and 7th Streets in the Penrose area. The property will contain a single building that will house three retail stores, a professional office, a storage area, and a motorcycle repair shop on a 4.6 acre parcel.

In other business the Commissioners:
  • Recognized Code Enforcement Officers Walter Elkins and Robert Sapp for being recertified by the State of Colorado;
  • appointed Edie McLish of the Fremont Economic Development Corporation to represent the county on the Southern Colorado Economic Development Corporation Board and the Enterprise Zone Advisory Committee for the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments;
  • and voted to authorize the chairman to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Bureau of Land Management that will have the county participate in the federal and state governments' review process for Christo and Jeanne Claude's proposed 'Over the River' art project. The Commissioners noted that language in the memorandum preserves the county's authority to conduct hearings to consider issuing local permits for the project.