On hand for the Pathfinder Park Arena ribbon cutting June 9th were (left to right): Karlie Gjelsness, Verla Noakes, Ed Norden, Larry Lasha, Marsha Bouchard, Larry Schmidt, Lee Daffron, Virginia Patton, Don Gray, Larry Wagner, Debbie Bell, Tim Payne, Ron Hinkle, Marie Adams, & Nathan Gray
Three years of work to improve facilities at the Pathfinder Park Arena along Highway 115 west of Florence were officially dedicated in a ribbon cutting ceremony last Saturday. The ribbon cutting ceremony was part of a 4-H gymkhana and the crowning of the 2012 4-H Horse Royalty. County Commission Chair Debbie Bell said the projects were significant because of the number of volunteers and monetary donations that came together to make it happen. At the heart of the project was a $200,000 grant from Great Outdoors Colorado that helped finance construction of bleachers, rest rooms, and lighting for the arena.
District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden introduced the guests and the contributors who gave time and money to make the projects come together. Norden said other key infrastructure components included extending electrical service to the arena, hooking the restrooms to sanitary sewer, and extending an eight inch water main to the park from the City of Florence. Norden said the Board of Commissioners spent more than $365,000 in lottery funds from the county’s Conservation Trust Fund to make those projects happen. He noted that the most recent accomplishment was the investment of $148,000 in lottery money to erect all weather covers over the arena bleachers.
An arena flagpole, donated by the family of longtime 4-H horse booster Dr. Burt Stratton, was part of the dedication ceremony.
The Pathfinder Park Steering Committee is working with the Board of Commissioners to plan the next phase of improvements to the county’s 47 acres at Pathfinder Park. Some of those priorities include eventual construction of a livestock building and a community events center to accommodate moving of county fair activities to Pathfinder Park. The Commissioners also want to provide public access with a culvert crossing to the rest of the county’s Pathfinder Park property on the east side of Chander Creek as well as cooperating with the Cañon City Recreation District to complete improvements to the entryway and roundabout at the park.