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DHS Food Assistance Staff Honored for Proficiency

DHS Food Assistance Staff Honored for Proficiency

Fremont DHS SNAP Program employees were celebrated Tuesday with this award for their efficiency in meeting timely delivery of SNAP services and benefits

Fremont County Department of Human Services employees who work in the Food Assistance Department were presented with a timeliness award by state officials on Tuesday.   Colorado SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Program Specialist Carol Spink and two other program specialists from the Colorado Department of Human Services traveled to Cañon City to present the award in person.

Spink saluted the Fremont County SNAP (previously known as Food Stamps) program staff for their proficiency in meeting federal and state standards in timely delivery of benefits.   Spink said that from May, 2015 through May, 2016 the Fremont SNAP Department met or exceeded the 95% compliance rate in timeliness of services.

Colorado State SNAP Program Specialist Carol Spink (left) presents the timeliness award Tuesday to Fremont County's SNAP Program Supervisor Wanda Embry and County DHS Director Steve Clifton