A request by Black Hills Energy to expand utility easements in eastern Fremont County to permit an upgrade of four miles of power transmission lines will be considered by the Fremont County Planning Commission at their June 5th monthly meeting. Black Hills Energy wants to upgrade the transmission line from the Fremont County line headed west towards the Portland substation. The transmission line would require expansion of an existing utility easement to 100 feet and construction of two miles of new transmission line in a newly purchased 100 foot easement. The 100 foot easements will contain a total of about 61 acres.
The Planning Commission will also consider an application for Special Review Use Permit for a wireless communications tower that would be build on Cotopaxi School property. Mercury Towers LLC has made application for the wireless tower that would be erected on a 130 foot monopole on the mountainside behind the Cotopaxi School.
A third application to be reviewed by the Planning Commission Tuesday is for a Special Review Use Permit to allow a chainsaw carving business to operate within a Business Zone District on eight mile hill west of Cañon City. Audrey Mutschelknaus is seeking the permit to allow the chainsaw bear carvings on her property on the north side of Highway 50, just west of the junction with County Road 3-A. The permit would allow the business to continue to operate from a residence, a shop, and a shed which are on the property.
The Planning Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 5th, in Room LL-3 on the lower level of the Fremont County Administration Building.