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7 Year Road Plan Available for Public Review

The Fremont County Road and Bridge Department and the County Commissioners are making copies available to citizens who want to review the department's seven year road improvement plan. The plan lists the roads in all three road districts in Fremont County that would be targeted for improvement with either chip sealing, asphalt, or gravel if voters approve Issue 1-B on the November 7th county ballot. 1-B would raise $850,000 in property taxes each year over a seven year period that would be used specifically for road improvement projects and equipment purchases.

Tourism Community Events Funding Applications

The Fremont County Tourism Council is now accepting applications from community organizations for 2007 tourism funding allocations. Community organizations and non-profit groups that conduct special events which attract tourists and visitors to the area are invited to submit applications for funding assistance. The Tourism Council by-laws require that at least five percent of County Lodging Tax revenues each year be distributed to community groups to support their special events.

County Fair Board Vacancies

The Fremont County Commissioners are accepting letters of interest from persons interested in serving on the Fremont County Fair Board. The Commissioners will be appointing persons to fill six positions on the 17 member Fair Board. Each appointment is for a three year term. The Fair Board meets the second Tuesday of each month. The deadline to submit letters of interest is Friday November 9, 2006.

Please send letters of interest to the Fremont County Commissioners, 615 Macon Ave., Room 105, Canon City, CO 81212.

Tourism Council Vacancies

The Fremont County Tourism Council (F.C.T.C.) is soliciting letters of interest from Fremont County residents for two positions each consisting of a three year term on the council. The F.C.T.C. develops and administrates a Tourism Marketing Plan for Fremont County with proceeds from the two percent Fremont County Lodging Tax.

Stop Signs to be switched at Indiana & High Streets

The Fremont County Road and Bridge Department will initiate a change in stop sign locations at the intersection of High and Indiana Streets north of Canon City with the intent to make Indiana a through street. Currently southbound traffic must stop on Indiana at High Street. Beginning Monday October 9th the Road and Bridge Department will erect a stop sign for motorists traveling eastbound on High Street at Indiana. Then one week later on October 16th the stop sign on southbound Indiana at High Street will be removed.

Sewer Costs Detailed for North Canon

Residents in a neighborhood north of Canon City where failing septic systems have become a frequent problem are again measuring pubic interest in pursuing sanitary sewer service through the Fremont Sanitation District. Sanitation District Executive Director George Medaris and Fremont County Commission Chairman Mike Stiehl laid out the details of a year long preliminary engineering study to the North Canon residents at a September 12th meeting. The general area under consideration for sanitary sewer service includes York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Lawrence, and North Streets.