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September 12th Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners awarded a bid at their September 12th regular meeting intended to produce some revenue for Fremont County and the City of Florence through the sale of landscaping rock and aggregate. The Commissioners recently invited bids from potential operators to reopen the Union Mill Hill gravel pit along Highway 67 north of Florence. The land is owned by Florence and is under lease to Fremont County.

Road Crews Complete Chip Seal with Gaming Dollars

Fremont County Road and Bridge crews completed work September 7th on a two week project to chip seal paved roads as part of the county's 2006 allocation of Colorado Gaming Impact grant money. $247,500 was spent on chip sealing the asphalt road surface on High Park Road (County Road 11) for a 6.2 mile distance south from the Teller County line, and over 12 miles on Garden Park Road north of Canon City.

North Canon Sewer Informational Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners and the Fremont Sanitation District sponsor a joint public informational meeting on September 12th to discuss the findings of an engineering study on the feasibility of expanding sanitary sewer service to a large area north of Canon City. The area which was the focus of the study is bounded generally on the south by Washington Street, York Avenue on the west, Lawrence Street on the east, and a storm drainage channel on the north.

Emergency Commissioners Meeting for Ballot Language

The Fremont County Commissioners conducted a brief five minute emergency meeting Friday afternoon in order to meet a ballot deadline for the John C. Fremont Library District. The Commissioners approved a resolution certifying language for the library district's revenue question in November. The library district's board had already submitted ballot language to the County Clerk earlier in the week but County Attorney Brenda Jackson raised a concern Thursday that state law does not allow library districts to make a direct referral to the ballot.

Special Meeting set for Tourism Council

The Fremont County Tourism Council will conduct a special meeting at 8 a.m., Wednesday, September 13th in Room 207 of the County Administration Building. The meeting will have a single agenda item dealing with the future development of the FCTC web site. The tourism council was told at this week's monthly meeting that about $8,500 remains in the 2006 budget that is earmarked for further development of the web site.

Special Commissioners Meeting to Set Ballot Language

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners will meet in special session Thursday morning to formally consider the language for three revenue issues which will appear on the county ballot in November. The Commissioners have a September 8th deadline to certify ballot language to the County Clerk.

The Commissioners will consider a resolution establishing language for a measure to raise $1.9 million in property taxes that would finance the staffing and operation of the 96 bed county jail expansion plus money to hire ten additional patrol deputies.

Food Safety Training for Food Handlers

The Fremont County CSU Extension Office and Fremont County Environmental Health Services will offer a FOOD SAFETY FOR FOOD HANDLERS training class on Friday, September 15, 2006, from 1:30PM-3:30PM at the Fremont County Administration Building, 615 Macon Ave., in Canon City. This will be a basic introductory class dealing with food temperatures, food handling, hand washing, hygiene and sanitation.

August 22nd Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners dealt with a brief agenda of business at Tuesday's regular meeting. The Board authorized the signing of an agreement with Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) on behalf of the RE-3 Cotopaxi School District for a $31,500 GOCO recreation mini grant. The County sponsored the grant application on behalf of the school district to assist in further development of the Cotopaxi High School baseball field. The money will be used to drill a well and deliver water to the baseball field so that in-field grass can be planted and maintained.

August 8th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a pair of preliminary plans for new residential subdivisions along Illinois Avenue north of Canon City and approved a zone change for county owned property near the Fremont County Airport during their August 8th regular meeting.