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Commissioner Discusses Recovery with Governor

Commissioner Discusses Recovery with Governor

Fremont County Commissioner Debbie Bell and other board members of Colorado Counties Inc. met with Governor Jared Polis on Friday, March 19, to discuss recovery from the pandemic.

Bell, who currently serves as CCI President, presided over the meeting. The board met in person at CCI offices in Denver, and the governor joined virtually.

“This was a wonderful opportunity to address the governor with our concerns,” Bell said after the meeting. “Several board members stepped up to the plate to discuss various areas of recovery, including reopening and vaccinations. We also asked, again, for the state to return control to local governments. Colorado is a vast state with both rural and urban regions, and one size does not fit all.”

During the meeting, Bell asked Gov. Polis to partner with CCI and its members as a team.

“We join you in your concern with economic recovery even as we continue to take care of the health and welfare of our citizens,” she said in her opening remarks to the governor. “We would like to know the state’s pathway to reopening, and to let us help you – both with reopening and with vaccinating our citizens.

“In short, we are here today to find out how we can help you and help the entire State of Colorado recover.”

Gov. Polis said the new “Dial 3.0” scheduled for public release Tuesday to take effect Wednesday, is a step in the right direction and addresses many issues surrounding the continued closures.

“Every day, we see another instance that voluntary compliance is becoming a thing of the past,” Bell said. “We respectfully ask for clear and concise criteria to enable counties and regions to regain local control.”

She also referenced the lack of communication coming from the state.

“We hope to see real, true, two-day communication with your office,” Bell said. “We ask again for courtesy notification of new decisions and executive orders before they are released to the general population.

“Please, let us help you and allow us to work as a team.”

The meeting was another in a long line of historical sessions between CCI and seated governors. The organization brings Colorado counties together to work on common issues, focusing on information, education and legislative representation. CCI works to present a united voice to the Colorado General Assembly and other government and regulatory bodies to help shape the future.