A state inmate work crew uses a brigade line to move cut brush from the bottom of Chandler Creek to a chipper which reduced the brush to chips and mulch
A Colorado Correctional Industries (CCI) inmate work crew and the Fremont County Weed Manager Jana Gregg made short order of an undertaking to clear undergrowth along the Chandler Creek drainage west of Florence. As part of the county’s responsibility to help maintain stormwater drainage channels, the project to clear heavy brush along Chandler Creek was completed over 2 ½ days from March 11th –13th.
The county contracted with a CCI inmate crew which started work at the edge of the county’s property near the Arkansas River in Pathfinder Regional Park and worked south. Cleaning of the stormwater channel extended south through private property, past the creek bridge on Colorado 115, and to the railroad right of way on the south side of the state highway.

This view of the Chandler Creek stormwater drainage shows how the clearing of brush will open up the channel for swift moving storm water
Weed Manager Jana Gregg followed the crews spraying the freshly cut tree stumps with a chemical to prevent any vegetation from growing back.
District 1 County Commissioner Tim Payne said the county spent about $5,000 on the project which was timed to be completed early this spring before the brush and trees began to leaf out.