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Memorial Wall

Memorial Wall

The memorial park was dedicated on Memorial Day, May 31, 1997.

"Honoring those who gave thier time and some even their lives to protect our Country."

The park is located at Fremont County Airport.

The wall memorial is constructed of 2,119 bricks with 1,737 veteran's names currently engraved.

If you would like to purchase a brick for the wall, fill out the attached forms and bring to the Veteran's Service Officer during office hours. The price of each brick is $75.00. Orders for new inscriptions are not made until 50 names have been submitted.

Visit our Photo Gallery for pictures of our events.


On May 30, 2008, more than 100 names were added with the Cañon City ROTC posting colors and speaker Retired Pastor Jack Crosby (Korean USMC Veteran) with a message of service to country.

On May 16, 2009, 145 names were added in a well attended ceremony led by the American Legion #13. Retired Pastor Jack Crosby (Korean USMC Veteran) delivered the dedication address. The celebration concluded with a Flag Burning Ceremony by the American Legion.

On Veterans Day, November 11, 2011, 80 bricks were dedicated led by the American Legion Post #13. The dedication speaker was Major Retired Jerry Ragan.

On September 28, 2013, 153 bricks were dedicated. The Cañon City High School Jr. ROTC posted. colors. Prayers were read by Chaplain Dave Burrous of American Legion Post #13. The dedication speaker was Tim Grabin who is the past State Commander of the American Legion.

On July 2, 2016, 74 names were dedicated. Thank you to our friends at American Legion #13: Dave Burrows led with the invocation and ended with the closing prayer, Tim Grabin played "Taps" and Bill Hartless and Carl Galpin posted colors. Commissioner Ed Norden was the dedication speaker. Names were read by Betty Hanawalt and Al Augustine.

On November 9, 2021, 21 bricks were dedicated led by the American Legion Post #25, of Florence Colorado. The Canon City American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and High School Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps participated.

On Memorial Day May 27, 2024, 67 bricks were dedicated. The presentation included the Fremont County Veteran Service office and the Sons and Daughters of Italy, Taps was presented by Tim Grabin from the American Legion Post #13.