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August 11th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a pair of resolutions at their August 11th regular meeting setting speed limits on High Park Road (County Road 11) to Cripple Creek.

One resolution establishes a 35 mph speed limit from Highway 9 northeast to County Road 5. The other resolution makes the more significant change by increasing the speed limit to 45 mph from CR 5 to the Teller County Line.

Declining Sales Tax Revenue Forces More Furloughs

Declining sales tax revenues have prompted the Fremont County Commissioners to order more cost cutting measures to deal with the county's budget crisis in an effort to balance the budget by the end of the year. County Manager George Sugars notified elected officials and department heads in a memo last Wednesday that the commissioners have directed that employees take another 38 unpaid furlough hours in addition to the ten furlough hours announced last May.

Texas Creek Flash Flood Damages ATV Recreation Area

Heavy rains in the Texas Creek area Sunday afternoon heavily damaged a county road leading into a popular Bureau of Land Management ATV recreation site. The storm that dumped more than two inches of rain in a short time period stranded fourteen people from the Denver area when flash flooding washed out several sections of Fremont County Road 27.

July 14th Board of Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners dealt with a brief agenda of business at their July 14th regular meeting reappointing two members of the Building Code Board of Appeals and approving a pair of temporary use permits.

The Board voted to reappoint Tim Payne and Francis Williams to three year terms on the Fremont County Building Code Board of Appeals. The board meets only when someone files an appeal of a decision by the Building Department Official and occasionally through the year for training sessions.

Planning Commission Rejects Mining Amendment

The Fremont County Planning Commission heard another four hours of testimony Tuesday night before voting to reject a citizens-initiated amendment to the county's Master Plan. A public hearing that ran for three hours on June 2nd had been continued for another month to allow more public input and additional time for Planning Commission members to review materials.

Administration Building Sets Holiday Hours

The Fremont County Administration Building will operate with abbreviated hours this week due to the four day work week adopted recently plus an Independence Day holiday. Fremont County Manager George Sugars reminds citizens that the Administration Building will be closed this Thursday and Friday, July 2nd and 3rd. Employees at the Administration Building are now working ten hour days, four days a week, Monday through Thursday.