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June 23rd Commissioners Meeting

After adoption of a resolution on June 8th to have the Fremont County Building Department take over the task of manufactured home inspections in Fremont County, the Board of Commissioners Tuesday approved another resolution setting a fee schedule for those inspections.

SDS Preferred Alternative Remains Pueblo County

Colorado Spring Utilities is conducting an analysis to update the plan for how to implement its Preferred Alternative, a pipeline originating at Pueblo Dam, for the Southern Delivery System (SDS) project. The updated plan will outline the most technically and fiscally responsibly way to construct the next major component of its water delivery system.

June 8th Commissioners Meeting

Authorization for the Fremont County Building Department to participate in Colorado's manufactured homes inspection program highlighted a brief agenda for the Fremont County Commissioners meeting on Monday. The board approved a resolution which allows the county's building inspectors to handle manufactured home inspections under rules set forth by the Colorado Division of Housing. Building Official Mike Cox said his inspectors have been trained and are reading to begin handling manufactured home inspections.

Master Plan Amendment set for Planning Commission Hearing

The Fremont County Planning Commission Tuesday heard over three hours of testimony on a proposed amendment to the Fremont County Master Plan and then continued the public hearing until next month.

The amendment proposed by the 'Tallahassee Area Community' (TAC) would create a two-mile buffer zone between uranium activity and residential areas in the county's Mountain Districts. The amendment would also seek to require more comprehensive review of Designated Mining Operations and add more specific language to some of the definitions in the master plan.

May 26th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners dealt with a brief agenda of business in a matter of minutes Tuesday for their regular meeting.

Other than a pair of routine liquor license renewals for Merlino's Belvedere and the Quality Inn which were approved, the Commissioners only business of the day was a public hearing on a Community Service Block Grant application.

Curtis Stone Honored for 40 years in Road & Bridge Department

The Fremont County Commissioners paused this week to honor an employee who has reached a personal milestone and for the county as well. Curtis Stone, Supervisor of Fremont County's District 3 Road and Bridge Tallahassee Shop, has logged 40 years of service as a county employee. That's the longest service record for a Fremont County employee.