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February 9th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners awarded a pair of bids Tuesday as part of the ongoing improvements underway on Fremont County's portion of Pathfinder Regional Park. Heath Andreatta Excavation of Walsenburg was the successful low bidder to install a sewer line eventually connecting a new restroom to the nearby sanitary sewer main.

Planning Commission Resignation & Vacancy

The Board of County Commissioners is accepting letters of interest from citizens of Fremont County wishing to serve on the Fremont County Planning Commission. The Commissioners will be appointing someone to fill a vacancy created by the resignation last week of Keith McNew. McNew told fellow Planning Commission members that he was resigning due to personal conflicts and other priorities at this time. McNew has served on the Planning Commission for the past 5 1/2 years.

Tourism Council Awards 2010 Community Events Grants

The Fremont County Tourism Council has voted to award $9,000 in 2010 for use by eight organizations in promoting events in Fremont County that bring visitors to the area. Recipients of the grants and the amounts awarded include:
  • Canon City Music and Blossom Festival - - $1,000;
  • Florence Chamber of Commerce - - $1,000 (for tourism brochures, maps, marketing);
  • Museum of Colorado Prisons - - $1,750 (for the Smithsonian "Between Fences" Exhibit);
  • Florence Eureka Days BBQ Competition - - $1,000;

Heritage Commission Vacancy

The Fremont County Commissioners are seeking letters of interest to fill a vacancy on the Fremont County Heritage Commission. One of the charter members of the Heritage Commission, Flo Orona, resigned her seat last fall to devote her time to other interests. Orona was originally appointed to serve as the museums' representative on the commission. She was appointed to a three year term and the new appointee will serve the two years remaining of that term.

Agenda Set for January Planning Commission Meeting

Election of officers, consideration of a site development plan for a Penrose mini-storage facility, applications for a pair of wireless communications towers in western Fremont County, and a proposed amendment to the county zoning resolution, highlight the agenda for the monthly meeting of the Fremont County Planning Commission on January 5th.