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Special Commissioners Meeting to Set Ballot Language

Special Commissioners Meeting to Set Ballot Language

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners will meet in special session Thursday morning to formally consider the language for three revenue issues which will appear on the county ballot in November. The Commissioners have a September 8th deadline to certify ballot language to the County Clerk.

The Commissioners will consider a resolution establishing language for a measure to raise $1.9 million in property taxes that would finance the staffing and operation of the 96 bed county jail expansion plus money to hire ten additional patrol deputies.

A second resolution will ask voters to consider approval of $850,000 in additional property taxes to finance badly needed road repairs over a seven year period. That tax would have a sunset in 2014.

The third resolution will ask voters to renew Fremont County's two percent lodging tax which has been in effect for the past five years and is used exclusively for tourism promotion. That ballot issue is expected to again include sunset language placing a time limit on the tax.

The special meeting begins at 9:30 this Thursday morning, August 31st, in the Commissioners meeting room of the County Administration Building at 615 Macon Avenue in Canon City.