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August 23rd Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners lifted the countywide fire ban at their August 23rd regular board meeting. The ban had been in place since July 12th when extremely hot and dry conditions sent the fire danger index into the extreme category. The Commissioners lifted the fire ban following a recommendation from Sheriff Jim Beicker and Canon City District Fire Chief Bill Guindon. They said they felt August rainfall had improved conditions sufficiently to permit the ban to be lifted. The Deer Mountain Fire District followed within days and also lifted their fire ban.

August 9th Commissioners’ Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a Special Review Use Permit for a monastery to operate in the Tallahassee Creek Valley northwest of Canon City but restricted its use to a fewer number of people than the applicant had sought. The permit was approved for the Benedictine Fellowship of St. Laurence to turn a former hunting lodge into a retreat and monastery for Benedictine Monks. The order had sought a permit for up to 100 people on site for weekend retreats but the permit approved on a 2 to 1 vote by the Commissioners allows up to 60 people.

Board of Equalization Hearings

The Fremont County Commissioners recently concluded three afternoons of hearings as the Commissioners sat as the County Board of Equalization to hear protests of valuations of real property. 2005 is a reappraisal year in Colorado. After property valuation notices were mailed out last spring, the staff at the Fremont County Assessor’s Office received protests during May. Notices of determination with any adjustments were mailed out by the end of June. Property owners then had until July 15th to protest those determined values to the Board of Equalization.

Human Services Department - - Request for Proposals

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners, in their capacity as the Fremont County Board of Human Services, has issued a Request for Proposals for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Reserve Funds. Completed Requests for Proposals must be received by the Fremont County Department of Human Services located at 172 Justice Center Road, Canon City, CO no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 15, 2005. Late proposals will not be accepted even with postmarks dated prior to the deadline. Electronic transmissions are not acceptable, either faxes or e-mail.

Fremont Airport Supports Mason Gulch Firefighting

The Fremont County Airport played an integral role in the firefighting efforts for the Mason Gulch Wildfire that burned over 11,300 acres in the San Isabel National Forest in Custer and Pueblo Counties. Airport Manager Richard Baker said 205 aircraft sorties were flown from the airport to attack the Mason Gulch fire from July 7 – 11.

July 26th Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners rejected a Planned Unit Development for a proposed 115 unit housing project on the site of a former county gravel pit at the northeast edge of Canon City. Colorado Springs developer Allen Miller had returned to the Commissioners to review changes he had made to the ‘Mesas on Sunrise Ridge’ P.U.D. after the Board initially reviewed it on April 25th. Miller was proposing 13 fewer housing units, some wider streets, and improvements to the intersection of Dozier Avenue and Van Loo Road. A number of neighbors were again on hand to protest.


A pair of flood detention dams in the Canon City area have received favorable reviews following inspections by the Office of the State Engineer. The dams inspected include the Watershed C-3 Dam on the Sand Creek drainage just below the Cotter Uranium Mill south of Canon City and the Mud Gulch detention dam east of Canon City. The flood control dams are maintained by Fremont County.

Fire Meeting

The public is invited to the final Mason Gulch Fire information meetings, hosted by the Pike and San Isabel National Forest.

The meetings will be held at:

The Wetmore Baptist Church on
Tuesday, July 19 at 7:00 PM
The Beulah School on
Wednesday, July 20 at 7:00 PM

July 12th Commissioners Meeting

Efforts being undertaken to battle the Mason Gulch wildfire in Custer and Pueblo Counties were detailed to the Fremont County Board of Commissioners at today’s regular meeting. Paul Crespin, District Ranger for the San Carlos District of the U.S. Forest Service, reported that strides made today against the 11,700 acre fire in the San Isabel National Forest were important to containing the fire. Crespin said it was a miracle that no homes or outbuildings had been lost since the lightning caused fire was first spotted Wednesday evening, July 6th.