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August 9th Commissioners’ Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a Special Review Use Permit for a monastery to operate in the Tallahassee Creek Valley northwest of Canon City but restricted its use to a fewer number of people than the applicant had sought. The permit was approved for the Benedictine Fellowship of St. Laurence to turn a former hunting lodge into a retreat and monastery for Benedictine Monks. The order had sought a permit for up to 100 people on site for weekend retreats but the permit approved on a 2 to 1 vote by the Commissioners allows up to 60 people. The 120 acre site is within the Cabin Creek gated community off of County Road 21A. The religious group plans to use the natural, remote setting as a quiet place of meditation for monks while also offering liturgical training on weekend retreats for clergy of all denominations.

The Commissioners also voted unanimously to renew a Conditional Use Permit for B & B Septage which operates a septage treatment facility on a 40 acre site a half mile east and a half mile north of the Fremont County Airport. Operators Rick and Wanda Byrd said they are ready and able to comply with regulations adopted by the County in 1995 after they applied for their initial permit. Those regulations include comprehensive record keeping of the source of the septage and how the material is spread onto the ground after it shows a neutralized Ph once treated with lime.

In other action the Fremont County Commissioners:

Ø Approved the final plat for the Fallwell Subdivision west of Pine Street and north of Highway 115 in the Lincoln Park area. Anthony Zupan plans to develop a ten lot subdivision. The Commissioners required construction of a retention pond but the pond must be maintained by the adjoining property and be drained naturally into the soil profile following a major storm.

Ø Approved a Temporary Use Permit and a Special Events Liquor Permit for the annual Belvedere Blues Festival at Merlino’s Belvedere on September 10th, 11th, and 12th.

Ø Approved a resolution of support for creation of a Pikes Peak Regional Veterans’ Cemetery to serve veterans in El Paso, Fremont, Teller, and Pueblo Counties.

Ø Reported that August 17th is the deadline for bid proposals for constructing an outdoor arena at the new Pathfinder Park west of Florence and that 12 noon, August 22nd will be the deadline for bids for an asphalt overlay paving project for another three miles on County Road 11 (High Park Road). Great Outdoors Colorado grant monies will fund the arena project while Colorado Gaming Impact funds will be used for the paving project.