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August 23rd Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners lifted the countywide fire ban at their August 23rd regular board meeting. The ban had been in place since July 12th when extremely hot and dry conditions sent the fire danger index into the extreme category. The Commissioners lifted the fire ban following a recommendation from Sheriff Jim Beicker and Canon City District Fire Chief Bill Guindon. They said they felt August rainfall had improved conditions sufficiently to permit the ban to be lifted. The Deer Mountain Fire District followed within days and also lifted their fire ban.

The Commissioners honored Fremont County Chief Deputy Clerk JoAnn Ortiz for 25 years of service with the county. Ortiz noted that her mother, Carmen Martinez, had worked in the Clerk’s office for 21 years and she never imagined that she might exceed that achievement. County Clerk Norma Hatfield praised Ortiz for her hard work and dedication in presenting her with a 25 year service pin.

In other action the Board of Commissioners:
Ø Approved continued indemnification for former Commissioners Jim Schauer and Keith McNew who have been named individually in a legal action against the County.
Ø Approved an application for a Special Events Permit for the Penrose V.F.W. for Apple Day on Saturday, October 1st.
Ø Approved a six month extension for West Fletcher to allow completion of contingencies for a zone change on his property on the southeast and southwest corners of Highway 50 and ‘N’ Street in Penrose.
Ø Authorized the chairman to sign a proclamation designating Saturday, September 17th as Barbecue Shootout Fundraising Day for the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments at Buckskin Joe.