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July 26th Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners rejected a Planned Unit Development for a proposed 115 unit housing project on the site of a former county gravel pit at the northeast edge of Canon City. Colorado Springs developer Allen Miller had returned to the Commissioners to review changes he had made to the ‘Mesas on Sunrise Ridge’ P.U.D. after the Board initially reviewed it on April 25th. Miller was proposing 13 fewer housing units, some wider streets, and improvements to the intersection of Dozier Avenue and Van Loo Road. A number of neighbors were again on hand to protest.

The P.U.D. sketch plan was only scheduled for a second review and did not require Board action but a motion offered by Chairman Larry Lasha to terminate the P.U.D. process was approved on a 2-1 vote. Lasha said it appeared obvious from the Planning Commission’s recommendations, the neighborhood reaction, and the Board’s own concerns that the site was not well suited for a planned unit development. Miller has indicated to Planning Department officials that he will now explore the option of developing the site for single family homes under the existing low density residential zoning.
In other action the Board of Commissioners:

  • Approved a request to change the name of the ‘Bondurant Subdivision’ at Howard to the ‘Hope Subdivision’ to avoid conflict with another subdivision bearing the same name.
  • Approved a temporary use permit to allow a fund raising banquet by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation at the Airport Industrial Park on August 13th.
  • Approved a two lot minor subdivision for Effinger Estates at 1240 Logan Street in Lincoln Park dividing the property into one lot containing one acre and another lot containing 1.95 acres.
  • Approved the Legacy Subdivision, a two lot minor subdivision for Cynthia Molello on the southeast corner of ‘K’ and 4th Streets in Penrose. Lot 1 will contain 4.65 acres and Lot 2 will contain 4.64 acres.
  • Heard a request for support by the Commissioners for development of a Pikes Peak National Cemetery for veterans in a four county area including El Paso, Fremont, Pueblo, and Teller Counties.