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Applications Sought for Heritage Commission Vacancies

Applications Sought for Heritage Commission Vacancies

The Fremont County Commissioners are seeking letters of interest to fill two vacancies, created by recent resignations, on the Fremont County Heritage Commission.  One of the charter members of the Heritage Commission, Jon Stone, originally was appointed to serve as the Tourism representative on the commission, and was reappointed in February. His replacement must be affiliated with a tourism-related business or organization, and will serve the remaining two-plus years remaining on that term. Dorothy Cool, who was appointed to her first term in May, was an at-large commission member. Her replacement will serve the remaining two years of that term.

The Fremont Heritage Commission works to protect, preserve, and enhance the historic features of Fremont County, and to foster and promote understanding of the area’s heritage.   The group meets monthly at the Fremont County Administration Building.

One of the vacancies will be filled by someone who has an affiliation with a tourism-related business or organization in Fremont County. The other appointment will be at-large. Letters of interest should be mailed, e-mailed, or submitted in person to the Board of County Commissioners, Room 105, 615 Macon Avenue, in Cañon City no later than 4 p.m. Sept. 9.