Fremont County Extension Agent Tommy Covington, right, receives the prestigious Alton Scofield Award from Bill Nobles, Peaks and Plains Regional Director for CSU Extension.
Fremont County Extension Agent Tommy Covington recently was recognized for his lengthy, distinguished career in CSU Extension. Covington received the Alton Scofield Award, which recognizes outstanding performance by an Extension professional throughout their Extension career. Throughout his 22-year career in Fremont County, Covington has tirelessly exhibited an unparalleled level of leadership through the County Extension Office, 4-H Programs, and the community at large. His years of energy and effort spent serving the community and the youth of Fremont County extend far beyond his work with Extension. Tommy’s 19 years of service on the Florence-Penrose Re-2 Board of Education, including his many years of service as President of the School Board, serve as witness to his enduring commitment to the education and growth of Fremont County’s young people. The Fremont County Commissioners congratulated Covington on his honor. “We are so proud to work with Tommy on many different levels,” said Commission Chair Debbie Bell. “He truly has earned this. It’s nice to see him receive the recognition he so richly deserves.”