Fremont County Noxious Weed Manager Jana Rapetti was named 2016 Weed Manager of the Year by the Colorado Weed Management Association. The award was presented by the Board of County Commissioners. From left are Commissioner Dwayne McFall, Jana Rapetti, Commissioner Debbie Bell, and Commissioner Tim Payne.
Jana Rapetti, Fremont County Noxious Weed Manager, was named 2016 Weed Manager of the Year by the Colorado Weed Management Association. The award was announced Tuesday, Jan. 10, during the Board of County Commissioners meeting.
“This award goes to an individual working in any facet of weed management who has done an outstanding job to further weed management in Colorado,” CWMA said. “The individual selected is one who has best achieved success without regard to obstacles.”
Following the award presentation, Rapetti gave her annual update to the Commissioners. She started by thanking the partners her department works with throughout the year, and said without them, her job would not be possible. She announced her department treated 425 acres of noxious weeds in 2016, slightly above the annual average of 400 acres.
Also during Tuesday’s meeting, the board took care of annual matters by appointing Brenda Jackson as County Attorney; designating four official depositories for the county, including Sunflower Bank of Cañon City, Surplus Asset Fund Trust, ColoTrust, and Bank of the San Juans/Glacier Bank; continued official meetings at 9:30 a.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of each month; and named the Cañon City Daily Record as primary official newspaper for legal notices and Florence Citizen as secondary.
Official posting places for notice of public meetings is two bulletin boards, one outside Commissioner offices at 615 Macon Ave., Room 105, and the second just outside the main (south) entrance for the building. Board Chair Debbie Bell noted meeting agendas as well as minutes also are posted on the county’s Web site, www.fremontco.com.
In other business, the board:
- Re-appointed Gardner Fey to the Fremont County Planning Commission for an additional three-year term.
- Re-appointed Gina Grisenti to the 4-H Sales Committee for an additional three-year term.
- Re-appointed Paul Garrett and Steve Oswald to the Fremont County Weed Advisory Board for an additional three-year term.
- Appointed Edward H. Norden to the Fremont County Weed Advisory Board to fill a vacancy for a term ending Dec. 31, 2018.
- Appointed Matt Koch as County Surveyor for a term ending Jan. 8, 2019, and
- Approved a resolution terminating Conditional Use Permit 98-3 for Energy Fuels Southfield Mine.