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Commissioners Approve 2nd Zip Line in Gorge Region

Commissioners Approve 2nd Zip Line in Gorge Region

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners Tuesday approved a second Special Review Use Permit for Royal Gorge Zip Line tours in as many years.   After opening a zip line course along the south side of Highway 50 at the top of Eight Mile Hill west of Cañon City for the summer season of 2011, Ty Seufer is now preparing to open another zip line operation near Parkdale.    The newest operation will again feature 9 zip line cables and another training run cable on a 110 acre site in the canyon directly northwest of the Parkdale River Bridge on Highway 50.    Seufer plans to sell tickets and initiate the trips for customers from his base of business operations at Royal Gorge Rafting and Whitewater Bar and Grill.    The commissioners OK’d the permit allowing daily operations during the summer season from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. with the stipulation that any structures moved onto the properties for ticket sales or storm shelters be erected only after Seufer obtains the necessary building permits.

Tuesday’s meeting held a number of items of reorganizational business for the New Year.   District 2 Commissioner Debbie Bell was elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Commissioners with District 1 Commissioner Mike Stiehl to serve as Chairman Pro-Tem.   The Board reappointed Brenda Jackson as County Attorney and reappointed Betty Hanawalt for a two year period as the Fremont County Veterans Service Officer.   The Board voted to keep regular meeting dates and times as the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.   The Board decided to add a public notice posting location.   In addition to the regular posting place for notices outside the door of the Commissioners’ Office, the Board decided to post notices in a display case outside the south front entrance of the County Administration Building.

The commissioners on Tuesday also reappointed Larry Oddo and Dorothy Day to three year terms on the Fremont County Tourism Council.   Oddo will serve his second full term.    Day was appointed to fill a vacancy in 2010 and will now serve her first full three year term.

In other business on Tuesday the commissioners:

  • Designated the Daily Record as the official newspaper for publishing public notices;
  • Awarded the 2012 annual stationary bid to Peak Printing;
  • Approved a change order to add an expenditure of $8,970 to Cover Solutions for the new bleacher awnings to be constructed over the bleachers at the Pathfinder Park Arena;
  • Approved a resolution delegating to El Paso County the authority for issuance of Mesa County revenue bonds as it relates to a Goodwill Industries project;
  • Approved the renewal of the Upper Arkansas Recycling Program agreement for calendar year 2012.