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Commissioners Extend Medical Marijuana Moratorium

Commissioners Extend Medical Marijuana Moratorium

The Fremont County Commissioners voted at their June 28th regular meeting to extend the moratorium on any new medical marijuana centers in Fremont County for another year while the State of Colorado completes the task of rule making for the centers.    After the 2011 session, the Colorado General Assembly again changed the laws for medical marijuana sales and grow operations.  That means the Colorado Department of Revenue will have to modify its regulations.    A moratorium put into place by the Fremont County Commissioners in June of 2010 was set to expire.    The latest resolution extends the moratorium on new medical marijuana centers in unincorporated areas of Fremont County to June 30, 2012.  

Existing medical marijuana centers must comply with the new laws adopted by the legislature but in the meantime several medical marijuana centers under the county’s jurisdiction have closed up shop due to either the economics of the operations or the difficulties of complying with the new state law.

The commissioners on Tuesday also approved a resolution declaring a local disaster due to livestock and crop losses Fremont County ranchers and orchard growers have suffered due to the lingering drought conditions.    Governor John Hickenlooper had previously announced that he was seeking a drought disaster declaration for Fremont County and eight other southern Colorado counties so ranches might qualify for low interest loans and other USDA drought assistance.

The commissioners also approved a special events liquor permit for the Royal Gorge Detachment Marine Corps League so they can sell beer at their ultimate fighting event scheduled at the Cañon City Rodeo grounds on Saturday, August 13th.    The commissioners also approved a modification of premises liquor license application for the Holt family operating the Shadow Hills Golf Club.   The premises modification expands the serving area to additional patio space around the swimming pool at Shadow Hills.

In other business Tuesday the Board of Commissioners:  

  • Ratified two resolutions approved at a June 21st emergency meeting.   One resolution declared a local emergency and disaster situation for the Duckett wildfire in southwestern Fremont County and the other resolution authorized the chairman to sign a $150,000 contract for an annual grant from the Federal Aviation Administration; 
  • Approved a one year extension of the lease for State of Colorado plumbing and electrical inspector offices in the County Administration Building;
  • Approved a 12 month extension for Karen Colburn and Cort Stevens to complete conditions of the special review use permit for their Sporting Times Ranch and Red Horse bed and breakfast facility along Garden Park Road north of Cañon City.