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December 8th Commissioners Meeting

December 8th Commissioners Meeting

Formal adoption of the 2010 Fremont County budget and approval of a pair of Special Review Use permits highlighted business before the Fremont County Commissioners today.

The Board of Commissioners approved the budget resolution taking into account $35,032,000 in revenue and proposed spending in the combined county funds. The Commissioners noted that many of the revenues that make up the budget come from sources other than local taxes including federal and state money for various Social Services, Health Department, Road and Bridge, and Conservation Trust funds.

The Commissioners also approved a resolution levying the necessary property taxes for the various county funds. A levy of 12.432 mills will raise $5.64 million in property taxes in 2010. Finance Director Dana Angel noted that .138 of a mill that the county will collect next year is permitted under state law to recover money lost by the county through property tax refunds and abatements.

District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden said it's worth noting again that the county will collect $3.99 million in property taxes for the county's General Fund next year while spending in the Sheriff's fund is budgeted at $4.84 million. Norden said while citizens often say they pay their taxes and expect more services in Road & Bridge maintenance, it's worth noting that the Sheriff's budget alone is higher than the entire property tax bill for the county's General Fund. A copy of the 2010 budget can be reviewed on the county's web site under the Finance Office link.

The Commissioners voted to approve a Special Review Use permit for development of a new University of Oklahoma Geology Camp south of Canon City along Oak Creek Grade Road. OU's plans are to build a dining hall, office, garage, kitchen, bath houses, and a number of student cabins that could house up to sixty students for their summer geology studies in Fremont County. The camp would be developed on a 71 acre site in the High Saddles subdivision owned by Ron and Janice Conner.

The Commissioners echoed concerns raised by the Planning Commission over the need for a fire protection plan since the camp area is located just outside the boundaries of the Canon City Fire Protection District. Fire Chief Dan Brixey has said the Fire District is not interested in annexing the property. In approving the permit the Commissioners added requirements that a 10,000 gallon water cistern planned on site, be used exclusively to store water for fire protection and that a professionally prepared fire protection plan be developed for the camp. The Commissioners will also require a hold-harmless letter from the University acknowledging construction of the camp outside of fire district boundaries and thus removing the county from any liability in event of a fire.

The Commissioners also approved a Special Review Use permit for A.T. & T. Wireless to erect a new 100-foot wireless communications tower on private property located on the northwest corner of Highway 50 and 'N' Street at Penrose. A spokeswoman said A.T. & T. needs the tower to fill in gaps of wireless phone coverage in the Penrose area. The property current houses Innovative Structures and Classic Garage Doors which must now seek their own permit to continue multiple uses on the property. The owner must also take care of a property line adjustment to deal with an existing building that sits atop a property line. No citizens appeared at the public hearing to speak for or against the tower.

In other business Tuesday the Commissioners:
  • Appointed Sandy Johnston to the Penrose Community Library Board;
  • Heard the annual audit report from Paul Holscher of Holscher and Company;
  • Approved a resolution granting authority to the West Fremont Fire Protection District at Coaldale to impose fire bans within their district boundaries if they take adequate steps to notify the general public;
  • Approved a 24 month extension on hard surfacing requirements in the parking lot at Biker Town along Highway 115 in Penrose for Jeff and Lissa Pinello;
  • Voted to rescind permits for a pair of wind monitoring masts by E-On Climate and Renewables in the Tallahassee area near the Stirrup Ranch. The company informed the county that the masts would not be erected on those sites;
  • Approved moving the Board's regular December 22nd meeting to Tuesday, December 29th, at 9:30 a.m. plus the scheduling of a special meeting on Thursday, December 17th at 9:30 a.m. The primary business for the December 17th meeting will be to certify the mill levies for all of the governmental entities in the county that collect property taxes.