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Duplex Building Permits Moritorium

Duplex Building Permits Moritorium

The Fremont County Commissioners Tuesday approved a resolution which places a temporary moratorium on the issuance of building permits for two-family dwellings in all but two zone districts in Fremont County. Two-family dwellings, or duplexes, can still be permitted in Medium and High Density Zone Districts while the moratorium is in place. The Commissioners took the action after it came to their attention that permitting two-family dwellings in the Low Density Zone District and others conflicts with state statute and could result in an illegal subdivision of the land.

The Board has expressed the desire to correct any discrepancies and assure citizens that a zone district will exist in Fremont County 's zoning resolution that provides exclusively for development of single family dwellings.

The Board's adoption of the moratorium instructs the Fremont County Planning and Zoning Department and the County Planning Commission to review the zoning resolution and to propose an amendment that addresses the conflicts. The Commissioners have asked for a timely review process to keep the moratorium in place for as brief of time possible. In any case, the temporary moratorium will expire no later than September 8th , 2005.

Any changes proposed to zone districts under the County's zoning resolution will be subject to a public hearing before the Board of Commissioners.