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February 9th Commissioners Meeting

February 9th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners awarded a pair of bids Tuesday as part of the ongoing improvements underway on Fremont County's portion of Pathfinder Regional Park. Heath Andreatta Excavation of Walsenburg was the successful low bidder to install a sewer line eventually connecting a new restroom to the nearby sanitary sewer main.

The Commissioners awarded a contract to Watson Building Company of Canon City which submitted the lowest of eight bids for construction of a restroom facility next to the outdoor arena at Pathfinder Park. Watson's bid totaled $122,398. The bid went to Watson despite concerns raised by Brock Green of the Pathfinder Park steering committee. Green said he believed the county would incur more maintenance problems and costs from potential vandalism with a stucco exterior and solar panels on the roof. Green said he believed cinder block construction made more sense. County Engineer Don Moore said stucco construction would still mean a solid built facility with good insulating value for a restroom that will need to be heated if open year-round.

The Commissioners said they were confident in the specifications drawn up by the engineer. Commissioner Larry Lasha added that security lighting and cameras at the arena will hopefully deter and would be vandals. Commission Chairman Ed Norden said the stucco restroom can be built at comparable or lower cost than a cinder block building and that the board may negotiate further with Watson to reduce some additional cost.

Following a pair of public hearings in which no public comment was offered, the Commissioners voted to approve a pair of special review use permits for AllTel Communications to erect two cellular towers in western Fremont County. Both towers will be 48 feet high with a requirement by the Commissioners that they be painted tan or brown to blend in better with the landscape. One tower will be built on the southwest corner of Copper Gulch Road and 'H' Path in the Deer Mountain area. The other tower will be located along the south side of Highway 50 about two miles west of Highway 69 in the Texas Creek area.

The Commissioners also heard no public comment in approved an amendment to the Fremont County Zoning Resolution. The amendment clarifies the validity of information and supporting documents for all Planning and Zoning applications; states a clear declaration for conformance to plans, drawings, and commitments when the applicant signs the application; and imposes professional review fees on an applicant when third party expertise must be called in to aid in evaluating an application.

The Commissioners Tuesday voted to reappoint Fred Smith, Phil Thomas, Ralph Kunselman, and Paul Telck to the Fremont County Weed Advisory Board. Curt Sorenson and Doug Buford were also newly appointed to the Weed Advisory Board. All terms are for two years.

The Commissioners also approved a Special Events Liquor permit to allow the Canon City Rodeo Association to sell beer at the Blossom Festival Rodeo April 29th through May 1st and for a motorcycle event and concert on June 26th.