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Hearing set for Zoning & Subdivision Amendments

Hearing set for Zoning & Subdivision Amendments

Proposed amendments to Fremont County’s zoning resolution and subdivision regulations will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners during a public hearing at the Board’s regular meeting on March 28th. Fremont County’s Planning and Zoning Officials report the proposed changes have been under discussion for the past several years and the changes are now being put forth for consideration by the Commissioners.

Among issues addressed in the 23rd Amendment to the county’s zoning resolution are changes in definitions, calculation of animal units, cultivation of vineyards, property line setbacks, home occupation definitions, requirements for development plans in several zone districts, and changes to temporary use permit applications in several zone districts.

Proposed changes to Fremont County’s subdivision regulations address a need for a traffic impact analysis in subdivision preliminary plans, some language changes for final plat drawings, and language changes for lot line adjustments.

Citizens can review the documents for both zoning and subdivision amendments on this same web site. To find the documents, click on the ‘Planning and Zoning Department” under the Department menu. In the menu on the left side, click on both Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Resolution. The middle of the next web page will then provide an option to click on the proposed amendments.

The Commissioners plan to have their own detailed review of the proposed amendments with Planning and Zoning Department staff in a workshop prior to the public hearing. The Commissioners urge citizens who have concerns about the proposed changes to submit their comments in writing or attend the March 28th public hearing. The hearing begins at 10 a.m. at the Board's March 28th meeting.