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January 27th Commissioners Meeting

January 27th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners took action at their January 27th regular board meeting to seek an energy audit of county buildings to determine what energy conservation steps might be taken. The board voted to authorize the chairman to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Governor's Energy Office to conduct an energy audit on county buildings. Commissioner Ed Norden said they intend to have an energy audit performed on the County Administration Building, the Fremont County Sheriff's Department, the jail barracks building at the Sheriff's Department, the Department of Human Services Building, and the Fremont County Airport.

If the Governor's Energy Office approves the application the county would proceed to select a contractor from an approved list to perform the audit. After hearing positive comments from the City of Florence, which is conducting a similar audit, Commissioner Larry Lasha said the county decided to pursue one as well. The Commissioners are hopeful the energy audits might offer some timely, inexpensive suggestions that might be put into place immediately for energy and cost savings. But Norden said any large expenditures to improve energy efficiency in some buildings might have to wait until the county can set aside funds in the county's capitol improvement fund.

The Commissioners voted to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs to formally secure a grant for the remodeling of a portion of the old Harrison School Building in Canon City for ECHO Offices. This is the final step in Project Echo receiving a $237,500 Community Development Block Grant as part of the $475,000 remodeling project. The county had to serve as the sponsor of the grant. Funds will simply pass through without any direct cost to Fremont County.

The Commissioners Tuesday also:
  • Adopted a proclamation for 2-1-1 Day in Fremont County. Organizers of the 2-1-1 information program for southeastern Colorado are urging all 11 counties in the southeastern Colorado 2-1-1 group to observe February 11th as 2-1-1 Day in Colorado;
  • Approved a property tax abatement for David & Nancy Snell for property at 1318 Tennessee. A computer input error occurred causing an incorrect value to be entered and for them to be overcharged $10,480 on their property tax bill.