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North Canon Sewer Improvement District lands Federal Stimulus Money

North Canon Sewer Improvement District lands Federal Stimulus Money

Residents of North Canon were told last week that the long awaited project to extend sanitary sewer lines to 176 residences is expected to be under construction in September. Recently retired Fremont Sanitation District Manager George Medaris, who is working on the project as a consultant, said contracts are being finalized to use federal stimulus funds to pay off a $2 million loan through the Colorado Water and Power Development Authority. Medaris said that barring higher than expected construction bids, it will mean that thanks to stimulus dollars, residents of North Canon will avoid having to pay a $45 monthly debt service fee over twenty years.

Medaris said that means the only cost to residents will be an estimated $600 cost to abandon their old septic tanks and a standard monthly sewer charge of $18.26 once the sewer lines are in place. The remainder of the estimated $3.3 million project is being paid for with a $1.3 million Community Development Block Grant through the Colorado Department of Local Affairs.

Fremont County Commissioner Ed Norden told the North Canon residents that the Board of Commissioners has also requested that offers continue to be made to cost-share the $600 septic abandonment charge for homeowners who cannot afford it. Norden said those homeowners would have to meet income qualifications for programs through either the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments or the Department of Human Services. Residents also have the option of abandoning and filling in their own septic tanks.

Fremont Sanitation District Manager Jeff Blue said some 12 construction contractors have requested bid documents for the project with a bid opening set for September 1st. Blue said the schedule calls for a bid to be awarded by the Sanitation District Board on September 15th with a requirement that construction be underway by September 30th. He estimated a final completion date for the entire project by December, 2010. Once the project is done Blue said residents will then have to vote to formally join the Sanitation District or be forced to pay outside user fees.

Medaris said it is now vital that residents within the North Canon Local Improvement District who have not yet signed individual contracts to participate, do so very soon. He said once the sewer lines are installed and the area is incorporated into the boundaries of the Fremont Sanitation District those residents who have not signed contracts will be forced to hook-up to the sewer line at their own cost. Residents should contact the Sanitation District at 269-9050 for assistance in completing those contracts.

Medaris noted that when he took over management of the Fremont Sanitation District back in the early '80's, he heard complaints then about failing septic systems and the need for sanitary sewer in North Canon. Medaris said as he retires from the district he is glad to see the project finally come to fruition at a minimal cost to the residents of the area.