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Planning Commission to Review Three Items at April Meeting

Planning Commission to Review Three Items at April Meeting

The Fremont County Planning Commission will review three items at their monthly meeting on April 6th. The Planning Commission will review a Site Development Plan for the All About Storage mini-storage facility proposed in Penrose on the southwest corner of 7th Street and Highway 115. Eagle Peaks Investments L.L.C. wants to build 130 mini-storage units on the nearly two acre site. Two garages now on the property would be torn down to make way for the storage facility.

The Planning Commission will review an application for a Conditional Use Permit from Northfield Partners to develop a rail loadout facility for the Northfield Coal Mine just east of the intersection of County Roads #11A and #79 west of Florence. The Board of Commissioners approved a Conditional Use Permit for the mine itself near Williamsburg three years ago but the mining of coal has not yet begun. The proposed site for the Northfield railroad coal loadout is still under a permit issued in 1998 to Energy Fuels. If approved, the new Northfield permit will replace the existing Energy Fuels permit.

The Planning Commission will also hear a request for a Special Review Use permit to allow a private use off-road recreation track. Stephen and Lynette Harris want to build the off-road motorized recreation facility including a free style training area, a peewee track, an intermediate track, and ATV track, and a special event track. The proposed site is on 120 acres that the Harrises own on the northwest corner of Phantom Canyon Road and County Road #123 north of the Fremont County Airport. The permit would allow only family and friends to use the off-road tracks.

The Planning Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 6th, in the County Commissioners meeting room at the Fremont County Administration Building.