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Planning Commission set to resume Hearing on Master Plan Amendment

Planning Commission set to resume Hearing on Master Plan Amendment

The continuation of a public hearing on a proposed amendment to Fremont County's Master Plan and review of the Urban Growth Boundary Area map of the City of Canon City highlight the agenda for the July 7th monthly meeting of the Fremont County Planning Commission.

The Commission heard more than three hours of testimony and conflicting legal opinions during the initial hearing regarding the master plan amendment being offered by the government affairs committee of the Tallahassee Area Community. The amendment would seek to establish a two-mile buffer zone between uranium activity and residential areas in Fremont County's Mountain Districts. Residents say health and safety issues are at stake as well as economic and environmental issues.

Planning Commission Chairman Tom Piltingsrud determined at the June 2nd hearing that the Commission was not prepared to make a decision because they had volumes of material and legal opinions to review. He continued the hearing until the July 7th meeting saying only new testimony would be allowed at the extended hearing.

The Urban Growth Boundary Area map prepared by the planning staff at the City of Canon City and referred by the Canon City Council will also be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The question is whether future growth areas targeted outside the city limits of Canon City would be subject to the city's subdivision and development regulations when reviewed by county officials.

The Fremont County Planning Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 7th, in Room LL-3 of the Fremont County Administration Building. Because of the heightened interest in the master plan amendment and the large crowd that attended the first hearing, the July 7th meeting will be televised on the local public access channel 19 on Bresnan Cable.