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September 12th Commissioners' Meeting

September 12th Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners awarded a bid at their September 12th regular meeting intended to produce some revenue for Fremont County and the City of Florence through the sale of landscaping rock and aggregate. The Commissioners recently invited bids from potential operators to reopen the Union Mill Hill gravel pit along Highway 67 north of Florence. The land is owned by Florence and is under lease to Fremont County.

District 2 Commissioner Larry Lasha said the bid document was drawn up with an emphasis on mining the more valuable landscaping stone from the pit. Lasha said the plan will also accomplish two other important goals. It will provide both the County and Florence with an annual portion of the construction aggregate mined from the pit for use on local roads and it will also provide a steady annual income over 10 to 15 years. Valco Incorporated was the high bidder to operate the mine with a bid of $2.50 per ton for landscaping rock and $1.00 per ton for construction material.

The Commissioners also approved a final plat for Phase 1 of Kernal Estates filing #1. The plat calls for nine single family residential lots and two larger outlots for future development on a site located at the northeast corner of North Street and Minnesota Avenue in the North Canon area. Although some neighbors voiced opposition to more residential development in the area, the development originally won approval in 1998 and again in 2001 but was never started. The Commissioners waived a requirement last March that Ross Blanchard be required to resubmit a preliminary plan. The Commissioners were told that drainage concerns on the property would be addressed in more detail when outlots A and B are developed.

In other business the Commissioners:
  • Approved a temporary use permit for Apple Day festivities in Penrose on October 7th;
  • Approved a Foreign Object Damage Plan for the Fremont County Airport that deals with keeping materials away from airport taxiways and runways.