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Town Hall Meeting set at Deer Mountain Fire Station

Town Hall Meeting set at Deer Mountain Fire Station

Residents of the Copper Gulch area southwest of Canon City are being invited to attend a town hall meeting the evening of June 24th at the Deer Mountain Fire Station. District 3 Fremont County Commissioner Ed Norden said the town hall meeting is being called to discuss several issues of interest to Copper Gulch residents.

Norden said the findings of a speed study conducted on County Road 3 and County Road 28 at the request of a local resident will be shared at the meeting. He said the speed study resulted in some recommendations for speed limit changes on the road and the county wants to get input from Copper Gulch residents on those proposed changes.

Norden said newly appointed Fremont County Department of Transportation Director Anthony Adamic will be on hand to discuss how the reorganization of the Road and Bridge Department is intended to improve efficiencies in the department county wide. He will also discuss the road improvement projects the county is undertaking this summer with the money earmarked from the Tabor Timeout that voters approved several years ago.

Norden will also discuss the need to have residents throughout the county register their wireless phone numbers into the E 9-1-1 database so they can receive 9-1-1 emergency reverse notifications when those calls are made in their neighborhoods.

Any candidates seeking elected office this year who are in attendance will also be introduced to citizens.

The town hall meeting begins at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 24th, at the Deer Mountain Fire Station.