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War Memorial Park Bricks Dedication

War Memorial Park Bricks Dedication

A ceremony to dedicate the latest addition of veterans names on engraved bricks at the Fremont County War Memorial Park is set for tomorrow. Veterans Service Office Betty Hanawalt says the dedication ceremony for the newly engraved bricks will take place at 12 noon at the memorial wall at the Fremont County Airport.

Pastor Jack Crosby will deliver remarks for the dedication which will also include a flag ceremony by the Canon City High School ROTC and a jet plane flyover by Airport Manager Richard Baker.

Hanawalt says 101 names of veterans, both living and deceased, have been added to the memorial wall. Hanawalt said a list of names to add to the wall had begun a couple of years ago and her office was working last fall to reach a benchmark of fifty names needed for another brick engraving order. But a concerted campaign during the 2007 Christmas holiday period produced a good response from veterans and their families to add names to the memorial.

If you're interested in adding the name of a veteran, living or dead, to the memorial wall you should contact Hanawalt at the Veterans Service Office in the Fremont County Administration Building. She maintains a list in hopes of accumulating another fifty names of veterans to issue another brick engraving order.