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Williamsburg Commissioners' Forum

Williamsburg Commissioners' Forum

The Fremont County Commissioners host their fourth public forum this year when they travel to Williamsburg this Wednesday evening, May 10th. The Commissioners' Forum begins at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Williamsburg Town Hall.

Following a series of weekly budget meetings with Sheriff Jim Beicker since mid-March, the Commissioners want to discuss a plan that would enable the Sheriff to open the new 96 bed county jail that has been vacant for the past two years because of the lack of funding to staff it. The Commissioners and Sheriff Beicker will seek public input on possible revenue solutions to take to the voters this fall which would get the jail open by mid 2007. The plan would also address ways to earn money from leasing jail bed space, begin scheduled improvements to county roads, and restore emergency cash reserves.

Sheriff Beicker will discuss other law enforcement issues at the forum, and the Commissioners will take other questions of concern from the audience. All citizens who have an interest and want a voice in county government are urged to attend.

The Commissioners will conduct their fifth public forum of the year on Tuesday evening, May 30th, at the Deer Mountain Fire Station.