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Contractors Yard Zoning Amendment Tabled Until March

Contractors' Yards Amendment     The Fremont County Board of Commissioners says any decision on amending Fremont County’s zoning resolution dealing with contractor’s yards operating in residential neighborhoods will wait until a new Board of Commissioners is seated in 2011.    The Commissioners voted at last Tuesday’s meeting to table consideration of the zoning amendment until March 8th.  Commission Chairman Ed Norden said that following the November 9th public hearing the Commissioners could not provide the staff with any clear dire

Commissioners Approve Amendment for Uranium Exploration

The Fremont County Commissioners on Tuesday voted to approve an amendment to a conditional use permit in the Tallahassee area northwest of Cañon City allowing Black Range Minerals (BRM) to expand its uranium exploration into the South T-Bar Ranch to include another 2,220 acres.   The Commissioners approved the permit amendment on a 2-1 split vote with Commissioner Mike Stiehl voting against the amendment.

Applications Sought for Tourism Council

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners is soliciting letters of interest from Fremont County residents for the annual appointment to fill three positions on the Fremont County Tourism Council (FCTC).   The Tourism Council develops and administers a Tourism Marketing Plan for Fremont County utilizing the proceeds from the Fremont County Lodging Tax.

BLM to Burn Slash Piles near Cotopaxi and Parkdale

The following information provided by the Bureau  of Land Management:

(Cañon City)---Residents in the Cotopaxi and Parkdale areas may see smoke in the coming days as a result of slash pile burning by the Bureau of Land Management.

The slash piles consist of debris from thinning projects to reduce hazardous fuels. The project areas include: Arkansas Mountain, four miles north of Cotopaxi; Stoney Face, 16 miles northwest of Cotopaxi; and Poverty Mountain, five miles southwest of Parkdale.