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Commissioners Hear Annual Gold Mine Report

A bright spot in the midst of all the dismal economic news came before the Fremont County Board of Commissioners Tuesday when they received an annual report on activities at Teller County’s Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Mine (C.C. & V.)     Gold mine spokeswoman Jane Mannon told the commissioners that the mine produced 233,420 ounces of gold in 2010 along with 51,093 ounces of silver.    As part of that production the gold mine processed 22.42 million tons of ore and moved 42.31 million tons of overburden.

County Employees Urge Commissioners to Modify Payroll Plans

A group of Fremont County employees attended Tuesday morning’s regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners asking that the board modify some planned changes in the county’s payroll schedule.   Sheriff’s Sergeants Don Pinover and Trace Hall said a plan to move pay dates forward by one week starting in April to allow more time to calculate payroll would create a hardship on many employees who already are struggling in the current economy.   Hall said the employees do not dispute that there needs to be an adjustment in payroll deadlines, they just don’t believe the curren

2010 Fremont Lodging Tax Revenues Dip Slightly

Fremont County Tourism Council Coordinator Doug Shane shared the council’s 2010 annual report with the Fremont County Board of Commissioners at their February 8th meeting.   Shane reported that with the downturn in the economy Fremont County’s lodging tax saw a decline of only $2,343 from 2009.   Shane said the county collected $138,671 in lodging tax revenues last year.

2010 Fremont County Code Enforcement Report

Fremont County’s Code Enforcement Officers told the Board of Commissioners this week that in 2010 they stepped up efforts to make address changes around the county and to take on the added responsibilities of SMM enforcement.    SMM stands for Special Mobile Machinery which typically involves any heavy equipment such as backhoes, dozers, graders, and other equipment that do not carry motor vehicle plates.  

Hearings conducted for Zipline & Equestrian Bed & Breakfast

A proposed bed and breakfast operation with planned equestrian tours in the Garden Park area north of Cañon City won approval from the Fremont County Board of Commissioners following a public hearing Tuesday.   Cort Stevens and Karen Colburn partnering with Jacob and Marion Patterson sought approval of the Sporting Times Ranch and Red Horse Bed and Breakfast operation on property along Garden Park Road about 7 miles north of Cañon City.

Hatfield & Lasha Honored Upon Leaving Office

Retiring County Clerk Norma Hatfield reminisces last Thursday with her former Deputy Clerk JoAnn Ortiz.


Fremont County officials took the opportunity in recent days to honor retiring public officials.    The staff in the County Clerk’s Office hosted a reception Thursday, January 6th, for County Clerk and Recorder Norma Hatfield who retired from office after 38 years of dedicated service.

Tourism Council Awards Community Event Grants

The Fremont County Tourism Council on Tuesday awarded $6,500 in grant funding to nine groups which stage community events that attract more visitors to the Royal Gorge region.    Among the groups awarded grant funding for 2011 include:

Royal Gorge Whitewater Festival - - $1,500

Florence Arts Council     "Paint the Town" - - $500

Florence Chamber of Commerce--web site design - - $500

Florence Merchants Association--Junktique VII - - $500

Holy Smoke BBQ & Holy Cow Blues Fest - - $1,500