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7 Year Road Plan Available for Public Review

7 Year Road Plan Available for Public Review

The Fremont County Road and Bridge Department and the County Commissioners are making copies available to citizens who want to review the department's seven year road improvement plan. The plan lists the roads in all three road districts in Fremont County that would be targeted for improvement with either chip sealing, asphalt, or gravel if voters approve Issue 1-B on the November 7th county ballot. 1-B would raise $850,000 in property taxes each year over a seven year period that would be used specifically for road improvement projects and equipment purchases.

Commissioner Chairman Mike Stiehl said that the county's road and shop foremen started compiling the priority list one year ago and then refined it this summer into a seven year plan as the Commissioners began preparing for the ballot issue. Stiehl said the plan calls for the money to be distributed evenly between all three road districts and the county's maintenance shop. After several citizen requests, the County has reduced the detailed documents for each district into a four page priority list for citizens to review. Copies of the seven year plan can be picked up at Road and Bridge Department in room 202 or the Commissioners Office in room 105 of the County Administration Building at 615 Macon in Canon City. A copy can also be reviewed on the Road and Bridge Department's web page at

The Commissioners also note that because of state law, municipalities in the county would also see direct benefit if voters approve 1-B. Colorado law requires that if a county levies a property tax for the road and bridge fund, a portion of the revenue must be shared with municipalities. It means that of the $850,000 that 1-B would yield each year, Fremont County would keep $675,000. $140,000 would go to the City of Canon City, $25,000 to the City of Florence, $3,200 to the town of Williamsburg, $2,600 to Rockvale, $2,000 to Coal Creek, and $1,100 to the town of Brookside.