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BLM to Burn Slash Piles near Cotopaxi and Parkdale

BLM to Burn Slash Piles near Cotopaxi and Parkdale

The following information provided by the Bureau  of Land Management:

(Cañon City)---Residents in the Cotopaxi and Parkdale areas may see smoke in the coming days as a result of slash pile burning by the Bureau of Land Management.

The slash piles consist of debris from thinning projects to reduce hazardous fuels. The project areas include: Arkansas Mountain, four miles north of Cotopaxi; Stoney Face, 16 miles northwest of Cotopaxi; and Poverty Mountain, five miles southwest of Parkdale.

Burning will occur when weather and fuel conditions become optimal for achieving management objectives while keeping smoke impacts to a minimum in surrounding communities.

For more information contact Ty Webb, BLM prescribed fire specialist at 719-269-8560.