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Commissioners Plan to Transition Finance Officer to County Manager

Commissioners Plan to Transition Finance Officer to County Manager

Fremont County Budget & Finance Officer Sunny Bryant will have expanded duties as Assistant County Manager. She will assume County Manager duties when George Sugars retires next year.

A decision by Fremont County Manager George Sugars to postpone his retirement will allow the Fremont County Board of Commissioners to initiate a process whereby County Budget and Finance Officer Sunny Bryant will eventually assume Sugars’ management position.  Sugars was preparing to retire in July and the Board of Commissioners had begun a search for his replacement several weeks ago.

Fremont County Commission Chairman Ed Norden said that after the commissioners completed interviews with four out of state finalists there was no clear consensus as to the direction the board wanted to go.   Norden said that last week Sugars put forth a plan that was enthusiastically endorsed by all three commissioners.  The plan is to begin a transitional process that would allow Sunny Bryant to assume the County Manager’s duties while continuing in her role as the Budget and Finance Officer when Sugars retires.   In the interim Bryant will also assume the role as Assistant County Manager.

Norden said Sugars graciously offered to postpone his retirement for at least another year, perhaps longer, to allow time for Bryant to become acclimated to the daily management issues as well as the Human Resources Department which Sugars also manages.    Sugars said that when none of the candidates rose to the top for final consideration he decided to offer his proposal.   Sugars said “I am willing to place my retirement on hold for a while in order to mentor and work closely with Sunny until she feels comfortable taking over the duties and responsibilities of County Manager.  I believe this transition would be in the best interest of Fremont County and this would be a great opportunity for Sunny”.

Bryant went to work as Fremont County’s Budget and Finance Officer in February, 2013, with previous government experience as Finance Officer for the City of Florence.    Bryant said she is appreciative of the opportunity adding, “One career goal I have is to work into a County Manager position.  I am honored and humbled that it is happening at this point in my career.  I look forward to working with George Sugars and all of the county officials and employees to continue moving Fremont County into the future.”

The Commissioners have discussed the need to eventually hire a Human Resources Director to take over those duties when Sugars retires while also addressing any other personnel needs in the Finance Office.