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Commissioners Review 2010 Budget at November 10th Meeting

Commissioners Review 2010 Budget at November 10th Meeting

Fremont County's 2010 budget blueprint for declining revenues and further budget cuts was detailed at the Board of County Commissioners' November 10th regular meeting in the first of two public hearings on the proposed budget.

In the budget plan laid out by Finance Director Dana Angel, Fremont County would cut spending by another one-half of one percent in 2010. Angel said a portion of the 2010 spending includes a reduction in the reserves in the general fund. The Commissioners have been working to rebuild general fund reserves to a level closer to $1 million for the past three years since those reserves dipped to about $260,000 in 2006. But declining sales tax revenues the past two years have hindered the county's ability to accomplish that.

Fremont County's assessed property valuation increased by 4.7 percent or $20.5 million for 2010 meaning the county can collect $252,000 more in property taxes next year. But that gain is offset by another one percent estimated decline in sales tax collections for 2010 which would amount to another $50,000 decline. Angel notes that sales tax collections were down by 6.7 percent in 2008 and dropped another 9.7 percent below projections for 2009. Angel now projects the total reduction in sales tax revenues from 2008 through October, 2010, will amount to more than $775,000.

The Commissioners earlier announced steps to reduce 2010 spending by suspending the county's four percent match for employees' retirement savings and eliminating three holidays from the county's 2010 holiday schedule. Those steps are estimated to save close to $300,000.

The second and final public hearing on the proposed 2010 county budget will be conducted by the Commissioners at 10 a.m. at their November 24th regular meeting. The public can review a copy of the 2010 proposed budget on the internet at and linking to the Finance Department.

The Commissioners on November 10th also conducted four other public hearings including one on a request for a Special Review Use Permit for an expansion and remodeling of Echo Canyon River Expeditions on eight-mile hill west of Canon City. Owner Andy Neinas is proposing to add a new 2,265 square foot building to house a pavilion, restaurant, lounge, restrooms, and locker rooms. Three existing buildings on site would be removed. Neighbor Richard Israel of Fort Royal Stables expressed concern about the impact on other property owners from two lounges and bars as Echo Canyon is expanding next door to the Whitewater Bar and Grill. The Commissioners approved the permit and the site development plan for the project.

During the meeting the Commissioners also:
  • Approved a Special Review Use Permit for Verizon Wireless to modify the antennas on an existing 300-foot wireless communications tower at the intersection of County Road #3 and Mariposa Road in the Temple Canyon area;
  • Approved a zone change request from Industrial to Business Zone for 2.5 acres of property on the northeast corner of Highway 50 and 'K' Street in Penrose to allow a retail store;
  • Approved the 3rd amendment to Fremont County's subdivision regulations incorporating minor language changes;
  • Voted to declare a vacancy on the Fremont County Tourism Council for the seat that had been held by Amy Colvin. The Commissioners had been notified by Mark Greksa of the Royal Gorge Route Railroad that Colvin is no longer employed with the firm and is no longer qualified to serve. The Commissioners will now have four Tourism Council appointments to make by January 1st.